Minggu, 14 November 2010




Reform in Indonesia was born after the end of the government is Baru.Reformasi Order dirtikan as changes to the values that underlie the performance of this pemerintahan.Dalam post-Suharto era of government or the Era of Reform in Indonesia started in pertertengahan 1998, precisely when President Soeharto mengindurkan on May 21, 1998 and
replaced the national deputy president in the government is BJ.Habibie.Pembangunan New Order turned out to save Penyimpangan.Orientasi only emphasized physical development alone, but failed preformance build character (character building) and mental deviations bangsa.Salah one made by many persons in the era New namely:

Rampant corruption, collusion and nepotism (KKN).
The emergence of the monetary crisis hit Indonesia in 1997, this crisis also
c.Memunculkan public distrust towards the peak of the New Order government of Soeharto's fall from a chair to deliver governmentReform

d.Wacana burst and with that Indonesia began to explore the phase change in the so-called Reform Order

In this case make the fall of the New Order which must be acknowledged that the New Order government under President Suharto has managed to increase economic growth high enough in the timeframe panjang.Pertumbuhan economy has a positive impact and negative.Dampak Positive recorded in the form of reduction
absolute poverty indicators are accompanied by improved average welfare rata.Adapun Negative Impact that emerges is environmental degradation, economic differences between regions, between work groups, and between groups within society that feels increasingly tajam.Segala product of economic and political policies during the period New Order's very bureaucratic, undemocratic, and likely corruption.

Social-political condition has been worsened by the monetary crisis that hit this country since as of mid July 1997.Perekonomian built since the New Order Ternate fragile and unable to withstand hurricane tersebut.Krisis monetary crisis triggered the economic slump and the decline of national meluas.perbankan
many frozen banks (BBO), the number of bankrupt SMEs, termination of employment (FLE) appear in many places, food prices soared tinggi bahkan kelangkaan.Sebenarnya could happen, not only in Indonesia, which suffered monetary crisis also occurred in several countries. The monetary crisis occurred in the Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, Malaysia.Indonesia probably the worst feeling theimpact.

Asian financial crisis that caused the Indonesian economy weakened and the amount of uncertainty when the public against the Suharto government that led to massive demonstrations by students share the organs of action in various areas Indonesia.Di middle of an increasingly weakening situation upiah, mass action, labor action,
and student action-mana.Krisis also occur where monetary conditions resulted in insecurity and vulnerability to the threat of social unrest and violence.

Wave action alternated student demands voiced reformasi.Tuntutan movement are:

1. Bubarkan Orde Baru dan Golkar

2. Hapuskan Dwifungsi ABRI

3. Hapuskan KKN

4. Tegakkan supremasi hokum,hak asasi manusia (HAM), dan demokrasi

Chronology of the fall of the government is the New Order

22 Januari 1998 :Rupiah melemah terhadap dollar Amerika Serikat .Nilai mata uang rupiah menembus angka 17.000,- per dollar.

12 Febuari 1998 :Presiden Soeharto mengangkat Wiranto menjadi Panglima

10 Maret 1998 :Soeharto kembali terpilih sebagai presiden ketujuh kali didampingi B.J Habibie sebagai wakil presiden.

4 Mei 1998 :Harga bahan bakarminyak melonjak 71% yang diikuti dengan kenaikan tarif transportasi.3 hari kemudian terjadi kerusuhan di Medan.

9 Mei 1998 :Presiden Soeharto berangkat ke kairo untuk menghadiri G-15

12 Mei 1998 :Tragedi trisakti yang menewaskan 4 Orang Mahasiswa Trisakti.

13 Mei 1998 :Kerusuhan Massa terjadi di Jakarta dan Solo

14 Mei 1998 :Demonstrasi kian bertambah besar dan merebak di hampir berbagai kota di Indonesia.Para demonstran menepung dan menduduki gedung-gedung DPRD.

18 Mei 1998 :Ketua DPR/MPR yang juga Ketua Partai golkar,Harmoko mengeluarkan pernyataan agar presiden Soeharto turun jabatannya. Mahasiswa menduduki Gedung DPR/MPR.

19 Mei 1998 :Presiden Soeharto berbicara di TVRI,Ia menyatakan tidak akan mengundurkan diri,tetapi akan segera mengadakan perubahancabinet,akan membentuk Komite Reformasi,dan segera mengadakan pemilu serta tidak bersedia dicalonkan kembali sebagai presiden.

20 Mei 1998 :Amien Rais membatalkan rencana demonstrasi besar-besaran di Monas,karena di jaga ketat.Demonstrasi lainnya juga terjadi di Surakarta,Medan, dan Bandung.

21 Mei 1998 :Soeharto mengumumkan pengunduran dirinya pada pukul 9.00 WIB dan wakilnya presiden B.J Habibie menjadi presiden Indonesia yang baru.

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