Jumat, 12 November 2010



Forest means a unit of ecosystem in the form of lands comprising biological resources, dominated by trees in their natural environment, the one with the other can not be separated.

Forest areas are specific areas designated and or stipulated by the government to maintain its existence as a permanent forest.

Protected forests are forest areas that have a principal function as protection of life support systems to manage the water system, prevent flooding, control erosion, prevent sea water intrusion, and maintain soil fertility.

Protected forest area is forest area designated by the government to be protected from all kinds of human activities that cause forest destruction or loss of forest functions, such as manage the water system, prevent flooding, control erosion, prevent sea water intrusion, and maintain soil fertility.

in this case the forest has a very important role :

Forest is not the heritage of ancestors, but our children and grandchildren loans that must be preserved. In the event of disaster, then certainly, the cost of 'recovery' is much greater than to early prevention.With hope, for critical area that can function optimally, which in turn benefit the community itself. The purpose of involving the community component, of course, for they realize that the forests and the environment is very important preserved.

From : www.google.com

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