Rabu, 05 Januari 2011

About Poetry

About Poetry

Poetry (from the Latin poeta, a poet) is a form of literary art in which language is used for its aestheticand evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, its apparent meaning. Poetry may be written independently, as discrete poems, or may occur in conjunction with other arts, as in poetic drama,hymns, lyrics, or prose poetry. It is published in dedicated magazines individual collections and wider anthologies.

Poetry and discussions of it have a long history. Early attempts to define poetry, such as Aristotle'sPoetics, focused on the uses of speech in rhetoric, drama, song, and comedy. ater attempts concentrated on features such as repetition, verse form and rhyme, and emphasized the aesthetics which distinguish poetry from more objectively informative, prosaic forms of writing, such as manifestos,biographies, essays, and novels . From the mid-20th century, poetry has sometimes been more loosely defined as a fundamental creative act using language.

Poetry often uses particular forms and conventions to suggest alternative meanings in the words, or to evoke emotional or sensual responses. Devices such as assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia, andrhythm are sometimes used to achieve musical or incantatory effects. The use of ambiguity, symbolism,irony, and other stylistic elements of poetic diction often leaves a poem open to multiple interpretations. Similarly, metaphor, simile, and metonymycreate a resonance between otherwise disparate images—a layering of meanings, forming connections previously not perceived. Kindred forms of resonance may exist, between individual verses, in their patterns of rhyme or rhythm.

Some forms of poetry are specific to particular cultures and genres, responding to the characteristics of the language in which the poet writes. While readers accustomed to identifying poetry with Dante,Goethe, Mickiewicz and Rumi may think of it as being written in lines based upon rhyme and regularmeter, there are traditions, such as Biblical poetry, that use other approaches to achieve rhythm andeuphony. Much of modern British and American poetry is to some extent a critique of poetic traditionplaying with and testing (among other things) the principle of euphony itself, to the extent that sometimes it deliberately does not rhyme or keep to set rhythms at all. In today's globalized world poets often borrow styles, techniques and forms from diverse cultures and languages.

Sumber : Wikipedia

Complaint letter 1

Tiramisue Store

Street 102 H.Dimun Raya



Mr. Shendyadi Wijaya


Store Electricals,


15 December, 2010

Ref: Complain letter regarding the non working of the refrigerator

Dear Mr.Shendyadi,

On 01 December, 2010 I have purchased a refrigerator from your showroom. Its model no. is 185665 and Receipt no. is 1032. After installation it was working fine for a week but then its cooling system has broken down.

I first made a verbal complaint about the issue but no action was taken for about a week. Then again I complaint about the problem and one of your engineers came and did the inspection. He advised me to change the complete set as there was some technical problem with the cooling system which could not be fixed permanently.

Therefore, I request you to kindly change the refrigerator as it is still in the warranty period. I am enclosing the copy of the bill and other documents for your reference and hope that my request will be entertained very soon.


Fitri Apriliana

Encl: Copy of Receipt

Selasa, 04 Januari 2011

Complaint letter

Fitri Apriliana

Jln.H.Dimun Raya



Mr. Shendyadi Wijaya


Store Electricals,


15 December, 2010

Ref: Complain letter regarding the non working of the refrigerator

Dear Mr.Shendyadi,

On 01 December, 2010 I have purchased a refrigerator from your showroom. Its model no. is 185665 and Receipt no. is 1032. After installation it was working fine for a week but then its cooling system has broken down.

I first made a verbal complaint about the issue but no action was taken for about a week. Then again I complaint about the problem and one of your engineers came and did the inspection. He advised me to change the complete set as there was some technical problem with the cooling system which could not be fixed permanently.

Therefore, I request you to kindly change the refrigerator as it is still in the warranty period. I am enclosing the copy of the bill and other documents for your reference and hope that my request will be entertained very soon.

Thanking You,


Fitri Apriliana

Encl: Copy of Receipt

Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

Letter OF Credit

Letter of credit

sering disingkat menjadi L/C, LC, atau LOC, adalah sebuah cara pembayaran internasional yang memungkinkan eksportir menerima pembayaran tanpa menunggu berita dari luar negeri setelah barang dan berkas dokumen dikirimkan keluar negeri (kepada pemesan).

Pelaku L/C

§ Applicant atau pemohon kredit adalah importir (pembeli) yang mengajukan aplikasi L/C.

§ Beneficiary adalah eksportir (penjual) yang menerima L/C.

§ Issuing bank atau opening adalah bank pembuka L/C.

§ Advising bank adalah bank yang meneruskan L/C, yaitu bank koresponden (agen) yang meneruskan L/C kepada beneficiary. Bank tidak bertanggung jawab atas isi L/C dan hanya bertindak sebagai perantara.

§ Confirming bank adalah bank yang melakukan konfirmasi atas permintaan issuing bank dan menjamin sepenuhnya pembayaran.

§ Paying bank adalah bank yang secara khusus ditunjuk dalam L/C untuk melakukan pembayaran dan beneficiary berkewajiban menyerahkan dokumen kepada bank tersebut.

§ Carrier adalah pengangkut barang yang dikirim (Perusahaan Pelayaran/Penerbangan) untuk dibeberapa negara dengan perbatasan darat bisa juga perusahaan angkutan darat seperti truk, kereta Dll).

Maintaining Health

Ø Observations of Daily Living

Personal health depends partially on one's active, passive, and assisted observations about their health in their everyday life. The information gleaned from such observations may be used to inform personal decisions and actions as well as clinical decisions and treatment plans for patients who share their observations with their health care providers.

Ø Social Activity

Personal health depends partially on the social structure of one's life. The maintenance of strong social relationships is linked to good health conditions, longevity, productivity, and a positive attitude. This is because positive social interaction as viewed by the participant increases many chemical levels in the brain which are linked to personality and intelligence traits.

Volunteering also can lead to a healthy life. To be a volunteer, while gaining plenty of social benefits, people also take their mind off their own troubles] Volunteering could even add years of life. According to a university studycompared with people who did not volunteer, senior citizens who volunteered showed a 67% reduced risk of dying during a seven-year period.

Ø Hygiene

Hygiene is the practice of keeping the body clean to prevent infection and illness, and the avoidance of contact with infectious agents. Hygiene practices include bathing, brushing and flossing teeth, washing hands especially before eating, washing food before it is eaten, cleaning food preparation utensils and surfaces before and after preparing meals, and many others. This may help prevent infection and illness. By cleaning the body, dead skin cells are washed away with the germs, reducing their chance of entering the body.

Sumber : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health




1. Kami sangat gembira jika saudara dapat mengirimkan kepada kami catalog saudara yang terakhir

Ø We are very happy if you can send us your last catalogue

2. Kami ingin mengetahui, apakah saudara dapat memberikan kami potongan khusus

Ø We want to know, are you can give us a special discount?

3. Kami menunggu balasan saudara secepatnya

Ø We appreciate your prompt reply

4. Kami menunggu pesanan pertama saudara

Ø We are waiting for your first order

5. Dengan senang hati kami kirimkan kepada saudara catalog, daftar harga dan syarat-syarat pembayaran

Ø With pleasure we send to you catalogues, price list and terms of payment

6. Terima kasih atas surat saudara tanggal 14 september 2010

Ø Thank you for your letter of 14 September 2010

7. Dengan senang hati kami menerima pesanan saudara tanggal 20 April 2010 dan kami akan mengirimkan barang-barang melalui air line

Ø With pleasure we receive your order on 20 April 2010 and we will send items through the air line

8. Kami akan membayar barang-barang melalui transfer bank dalam tempo 20 hari setelah tanggal pengiriman barang

Ø We will pay for items by bank transfer within 20 days after the date of delivery of items

9. Saya melamar untuk posisi sebagai sekretaris yang mana diiklankan di surat kabar kompas tanggal 20 november 2010

Ø I applied for a position as secretary of which are advertised in newspapers compass dated 20 November 2010